The Greatest Dream
But the greatest dream wasn’t really a dream at all. It was a gentle voice, waking me from sleep, deep in the night. It told me everything I needed to know in eight simple words: “Margo, you don’t need therapy. You need love.”
But the greatest dream wasn’t really a dream at all. It was a gentle voice, waking me from sleep, deep in the night. It told me everything I needed to know in eight simple words: “Margo, you don’t need therapy. You need love.”
Not long after my first dream, I had another. In it, I am on my way to a dance party in the basement of a warehouse in some unknown city. As I begin descending the stairs, panic overtakes me along with a feeling of being totally out of control. In the next instant, a friendly…
One night I had a dream. And in that dream, I saw an image composed of bubbles and fibers; of bright pinks and blues. And for the first time of many more to come, I heard the narrator’s voice: “This is the lifestream, and you are part of it. But in order to fully experience…
When I drove down the parkway to climb my first frozen waterfall, I was a young woman with an uninterrupted story since childhood. My inner narrative consisted of thoughts about myself (I am unloved, life is painful, I no longer want to live) as well as the emotions that accompanied these (hurt, anger, unhappiness.) I…
After decades of healing work, I am convinced that power is at the core of our personal and planetary issues. That is why when people ask me what I do, I tell them I am a Guide to Self-Empowered Healing. In our society, men are trained in the expansion and uses of their power, but…
For decades, I lived in chronic, deep depression. I had no idea why I was there, or how to get out from under the black cloud. So I did what a lot of people in that situation do: I self-medicated with drugs to numb the pain. Then, one day when I was twenty-eight years old,…
As World War II came to an end, Nazi psychiatrists interviewed families to see if there was a difference between those who had sent their children to the safety of the countryside to live with relatives, and those who kept their children with them in the cities as bombs dropped around them. What they found…
You are not alone I have been reading and listening to Tim Ferriss (if you don’t know who Tim is, see below) for over a decade and found myself curious about his recent interest and investment in the use of psychedelics for the treatment of depression and other psychiatric disorders. What I didn’t know is…
I never really had female role models growing up. All I remember is seeing those impossibly skinny and perfect models on the cover of magazines, the same magazines you see at the grocery checkout to this day, as a matter of fact. The only models I could even remotely relate to were the ones with…
The Patriarchy hurts women in obvious and well-chronicled ways. But how it hurts men is a more covert affair, and is responsible for the uptick in male suicides, particularly in middle-aged males. There is a myth that runs through our culture, one that says a man can shut off his emotions and be an island…