Second Chakra Trauma

Not long after my first dream, I had another. In it, I am on my way to a dance party in the basement of a warehouse in some unknown city. As I begin descending the stairs, panic overtakes me along with a feeling of being totally out of control. In the next instant, a friendly…


One night I had a dream. And in that dream, I saw an image composed of bubbles and fibers; of bright pinks and blues. And for the first time of many more to come, I heard the narrator’s voice: “This is the lifestream, and you are part of it. But in order to fully experience…

The Life That You Are

When I drove down the parkway to climb my first frozen waterfall, I was a young woman with an uninterrupted story since childhood. My inner narrative consisted of thoughts about myself (I am unloved, life is painful, I no longer want to live) as well as the emotions that accompanied these (hurt, anger, unhappiness.) I…

Beyond Recovery

After decades of healing work, I am convinced that power is at the core of our personal and planetary issues. That is why when people ask me what I do, I tell them I am a Guide to Self-Empowered Healing. In our society, men are trained in the expansion and uses of their power, but…

Addiction or Connection

In 1992 I began what became a two-year process of letting go of street drugs so I could spend more time with my new-found love, climbing. When I give presentations, I inevitably get asked the same question: “Didn’t you just trade in one addiction for another?” And I always give the same answer: Yes, and…