One night I had a dream. And in that dream, I saw an image composed of bubbles and fibers; of bright pinks and blues.
And for the first time of many more to come, I heard the narrator’s voice:
“This is the lifestream, and you are part of it. But in order to fully experience it, you need to work through all the blocks you have accumulated thus far in life. All the pain and grief; all the labelling and judging. In other words, all those things that weigh you down. Once you let them go, you will be floating as a leaf in the stream of life.”
The dream ended, and life continued. From time to time, I would remember the images and the soft comfort of the narrator’s voice. In waking life, I sometimes saw the same combination of vibrant colours and fractal patterns. I would remember the softly spoken words. I didn’t need to know where the voice had come from, because I knew instinctively it had spoken truth.
In the months and years that followed, I would have a series of dreamscapes that would lead me to empowerment, sovereignty and freedom, which are the foundational elements of healing.